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facebook ads

10 Tips for Facebook Ad Creation

Consider how you scroll through social media. Where do you pause to take a closer look at something? It’s often the graphic that gets your attention – whether it’s a sarcastic GIF, a funny cat, or a smiling baby. If an ad is accompanied by a mediocre image, it is likely to be ignored.

Facebook Ad: Customize Images by Placement

You can use different images for different placements in Facebook Ads. For the Stories format, you should use vertical images to cover the whole screen, while for the News Feed, you should use horizontal or square images.

Facebook changed its layout in late 2020, so you should also be cognizant of placement in the desktop right sidebar. Previously, only rectangular (1200 x 628) images appeared in that space; now, a square image will be displayed if you choose that option, increasing the ad space.

You should also keep in mind that the text in your images will be barely readable since ads will be smaller in the right sidebar. Any images that appear in this placement should have the text minimized or removed completely.

Facebook Ad: Use Text in a Smart Way

The Facebook 20% text rule was finally abolished in 2020, with ads including text no longer penalized. We recommend you try some images with text in them, but don’t overdo it.

Facebook Ad: Think Twice About Stock Photography

Many of us have seen the generic stock photos people insert into their ads, such as the well-dressed business person looking blankly into space while sitting at the conference table. If your brand does not have a designer or good photographer, stock photos may offer an easy solution, but these photos are unlikely to attract attention or yield a direct association with your brand.

Consider incorporating some branded elements into your ads, such as your logo, if you plan on using stock photos. Overlaid text can also specifically mention the offer you are promoting.

The ad below features a photo of a person as well as a logo and a quote to get the attention of those who have the problem the company is trying to solve. People tend to pay more attention to a simple benefit point than a text-heavy image.

Working text can be incorporated into your image in many creative ways, depending on your product. As an example, the product below is designed to help you refine your writing style. As you can see, the text in the image shows a use case for the product as well as the features of the product.

Facebook Ad: Include Star Rating

You should include the image of your business with a four- or five-star rating in your ad! Your customers will appreciate this. Note how the stars in Lemonade (an insurance company for homeowners and renters) match their brand color. Additionally, the advertisement features an image of a house (the product they insure) along with their logo. Positive ratings and direct brand association are both present in this creative.

Facebook Ad: Show the Product

You should show the product in use in your ads if you’re selling a tangible product. Your audience will understand exactly what you’re selling and how it can benefit them.  You can still show the product on its own, even if showing it in use isn’t practical. A photograph of someone holding this clear aligner shows how simple and invisible it is; you might not even be able to see the aligners on their teeth unless you look closely.

The bottom line is that investing in product photography is a wise decision. Purchase an SLR camera with a macro lens and some lights, even if you don’t want to hire a professional photographer.

Facebook Ad: Include Event Information

People always want to know when an event will take place when they see an ad promoting one. This question can be answered in advance by including the date(s) right in your graphic.

If somebody is already booked that day, then they don’t need to waste a further click, while someone who knows they’re free that day and is interested can come back later.

It would be a good idea to include the time of day an event starts (especially for events that last only an hour or two). Include the names and photos of notable speakers who might be recognized by the audience. For events with multiple sessions, you could test a slide show ad with multiple faces, names, and topics.

When the event is taking place in a physical location, you might mention the venue or city. There might be another way to test this image by including “Virtual Event” in it.

Facebook Ad: Include Customer Quotes

Customer quotes help establish credibility, whether they are citing the problems that prompted them to seek the product or the results they achieved. These quotes may be obtained from direct surveys of customers, online review sites, or casual conversations.

The use of quotes helps to establish a personal connection in an ad and resonate with people who can identify with them. The advertisement below for an app meant to help people focus at work cites a quote about no longer being able to do deep work with all the distractions we face today.

You should also provide a solution if you’re going to cite a problem. A headline on the ad encourages people to “Regain your ability to do deep work” while offering a call to action to learn more about the product.

Facebook Ad: Make an Offer

To really get people’s attention, mention a discount or something for free directly in your ad image. Let the audience know what they will receive. “Free” is a word that is always the most prominent word. Red and large fonts are two ways to get people to stop scrolling and stop reading.

Besides illustrating the process of being lathered up with a wet towel, the image fits with the concept of an MVP haircut experience.

Facebook Ad: Include Specific Stats

Include graphics showing statistics that indicate your brand’s success in studies or surveys. Included in the image copy is the percentage as well as the upward graph, which assists in making the case that Betterment is a good option.

Your prospect can be cited as an example of a large subset experiencing the problem you’re trying to solve if you conduct an audience survey. Almost 90% of CFOs say they wish they had better software to track expenses.

Facebook Ad: Use Carousel Ads to Tell a Story

The carousel ad format combines multiple videos or images into a single advertisement.

Carousel ads have been tried by several brands, but they didn’t work. Unfortunately, carousel ads are frequently made up of unrelated points and stock images, which results in a disjointed ad that will not attract attention.

Tell a story through multiple slides in a carousel ad, making sure all slides follow the same theme. You could do this by:


  • Walking through a setup process step-by-step.
  • Highlighting a handful of major features.
  • Diagramming the steps involved in a problem or solution.

Discovery + designed the slides below from their streaming service to reflect the “Thousands of…” theme, as well as highlight the different shows people can view on the platform.

Start Creating!

You might want to try some new creativity with your Facebook campaigns after reading these tips! Consider your designs and messaging to determine what will best represent your brand.

Also, keep in mind that what works for one company on Facebook might not work for another.  You should test and see what provides you with the best results.

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