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Digital Marketing
digital marketing

The Digital Marketing Landscape: Stats, Facts & Trends [2022]

The following statistics will help you make better decisions and win the competition in digital marketing.

Dynamic and ever-changing, the digital marketing industry is constantly evolving. Therefore, you need to stay up to date with the latest developments. You don’t want to be left behind and watch your rivals get ahead, especially if you have a startup business. 

How can you determine whether your industry has changed? 

Maintaining a close eye on your business’s marketing statistics is the easiest way to stay relevant. 

This article provides a list of crucial digital marketing statistics that will help you make informed decisions. 

Statistic on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines are the starting point of 93% of all online interactions. 

This illustrates how vital it is to invest in proper SEO practices as they can boost your ranking on Google and other search engines. For a company or business website, ranking high in search engines can turn out to be the most effective form of advertising. 

Google receives over 77,000 searches every second. 

Google is used by around 77,000 people on an average day, according to Internet Live Stats. That’s roughly 2 trillion searches per year. It follows that Google is one of the

best search engines to utilize. You’re more likely to get organic traffic if your website ranks high in this search engine. 

Approximately 72% of marketers believe that creating high-quality content is a highly effective SEO method. 

It is not enough to post content on your website. For it to be effective, you should also take into account its relevance. A good piece of content increases the chances of building trust with your audience, which leads to more conversions.

Statistics about Email Marketing

The average number of emails sent per day in 2018 was 281 billion. 

Most business owners have the perception that their clients dislike receiving emails from them. Email marketing is therefore not considered as effective as other marketing strategies. 

Statistics have recently shown, however, that this is not the case. A 2018 Statistica study found that 281 billion emails were received every day and that this figure could reach 347 billion by 2022. It is clear, then, that email is still a good method for reaching your audiences. 

82 percent of welcome emails are opened on average. 

The most recent GetResponse research indicates that welcome emails are opened more than 82% of the time. In email marketing, this is an important metric that determines whether the campaign is successful. 

Click-through rate or CTR directly impacts your email open rate. The more your subscribers open and read your emails, the more likely your company is to encourage them to engage either by purchasing your products or by researching them in-depth.

Mobile devices are used by 49% of people to access emails. 

Email marketing is an excellent method of advertising your brand, but you should ensure that your emails are mobile-friendly. Mobile devices are used by many people to read emails. 

Emails personalized with your personal information deliver up to 6 times higher transactional rates than non-personalized messages. 

If you own a business, you can expect to meet different clients, each of whom will differ beyond their demographics. Consider sending personalized rather than generic emails in order to establish trust with your clients.

Statistics about Social Media Marketing

Social media accounts for 3.2 billion daily active users. 

It might be a good idea to rethink your approach to underestimating the power of social media as an advertising platform for your products or services. 

According to Emarsys, 3.2 billion people are active on social media every day, or 42 percent of the world’s population. Your business could reach a wider audience if you are proficient in social media marketing. 

98% of sales representatives reach their quotas by selling socially. 

As consumer behavior changes, sales techniques should evolve as well. One of the ways that sales agents can engage and connect with potential clients is by using social media. 

Researchers have found that 98% of sales representatives with over 5,000 LinkedIn connections are able to meet their sales goals or exceed them.

Every day, people spend 142 minutes on social media. 

There is no question that you use social media accounts on a daily basis, whether you’re browsing through endless Facebook feeds or posting photos on Instagram. What is the average amount of time spent on these platforms? 

According to the Global World Index, consumers spend 2 hours and 22 minutes a day on social media. Therefore, this is beneficial to business owners who can leverage their social media accounts to market their brand, gain more followers, and ultimately achieve profits. 

Your customers are likely to recommend your business if they have a positive social media experience. 

Social media marketing is economical, which is one of its greatest benefits. Also, you get to interact with an audience that could become your best ambassador. 

Research conducted by HubSpot indicates that at least 71% of consumers receive a positive experience from a brand via social media. 

Mobile devices account for 70% of YouTube video views. (Source: Depositphotos)

Statistic on E-Commerce

A Yieldify survey was conducted in July 2020 with 400 eCommerce leaders across the United States and the United Kingdom. 

  • More than 74% of survey respondents have already implemented a website personalization program. 
  • Among website personalization’s top goals in 2020, retention (58%) will surpass conversion (55%) and acquisition (45%). 
  • AI-driven predictive segments are currently used by only 54% of companies. Although 89% of respondents expected to use this by year’s end, this was identified as a high-potential growth area. 
  • A lack of expertise (37%), a lack of functionality (36%), and a lack of time

(35%) are the three biggest obstacles to scaling a personalization strategy. 

Statistics about Mobile Commerce

The majority of the population – at least 96% – owns a mobile phone. 

It is estimated that 96% of the American population owns a cellphone, according to Pew Research Center. According to the data, 81% of people own a cellphone, while 15% of people own a cellphone that is not a smartphone. As a result, mobile marketing techniques give businesses a chance to reach a broader audience. 

Mobile devices account for more than half of all online purchases. 

The rise of mobile shopping makes this the perfect time to ensure your website is fully optimized for mobile viewing and transactions. 

Imagine this – more than 40% of online transactions within four months were conducted on a mobile device. This illustrates just how crucial it is to make your marketing channels mobile-friendly. 

Mobile devices are used by 51% of consumers to find out about new brands and items. 

The way consumers engage and shop has been transformed by mobile devices. Recent research has found that 51% of consumers now use mobile gadgets to locate new products and brands. 

After a bad experience with a website, 88% of consumers do not return. 

It’s frustrating when you can’t navigate a site that’s mobile-friendly. You have to swipe across the content if it extends beyond your view angle so that you can read it. 

It might be a good idea to update your website if it is not mobile-friendly. Research

indicates that 88% of customers won’t return to a website if they had a bad experience. Furthermore, 61% of users did not find what they were looking for on a mobile site right away, so they quickly moved on to another one. 

Therefore, you should go out of your way to improve your customer’s mobile experience. You should ensure that your website loads quickly, is easy to navigate, and displays content in an easy-to-read manner.

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