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Video Advertising
Video Advertising

Video Advertising: The Future of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is quickly replacing the era of television and radio advertising. Your business’s ads can reach millions of consumers every day through online advertising. Media marketing is often offered at a much lower price point than traditional media. Digital marketing definitely has a future in video advertising.

Video ad spending will reach $9.26 billion by 2024. Here are just a few reasons why video marketing is an essential aspect of any digital marketing strategy, and why it might just be the perfect channel for your business.

Videos Dominate Online Content

By 2022, video is expected to account for 82% of global Internet traffic. Over 85% of internet users view at least one video every month, with 54% of consumers still wanting to see more video content from their favorite brands. 87% of marketing professionals utilize video advertising in order to reach this vast market of consumers looking for content.

Video Advertising Leads to High Engagement

As far as social media engagement is concerned, video content has no competition. The organic reach of Facebook video posts is 135% higher than that of Facebook photo posts. Similarly, video posts on Instagram received twice as much engagement as photos. 

Your product will be seen more by more people if your engagement is higher. Your business will be able to reach the most influential audiences if you create video content.


Videos are Sharable

It’s easy to share video content on social media, especially since it’s so attractive. The number of shares of video content on social media is 12 times higher than text and images combined.

In the mobile video, 92% of consumers share video content, and Twitter reports that video content is 6 times more likely to be retweeted than photo content.

Any advertising effort should include sharable content since consumers can help market your brand for you.

Video Advertising Drives Sales

It will make your brand more visible and benefit your bottom line if you prioritize video marketing. Seventy-three percent of consumers say a brand’s social media presence has influenced their purchasing decisions, while eighty-four percent say a video on a brand’s website contributed to their decision to purchase a specific product.

The ROI of video advertising on social media is clear from the fact that 88% of marketers are happy with the results of their campaigns

Videos Humanize Your Brand

Videos allow for a much more personal connection than written content. You can increase sales and build long-term relationships with your audience by creating a more personal, emotional connection with them. Furthermore, 83% of consumers prefer advertising videos with a casual, chatty tone, which is great for your business.

The most effective types of videos are testimonials, tutorials, and demonstrations, which suggest consumers want video content with a personal touch. The best way to develop this personal connection is through video content created by users. Get your customers involved in the video marketing process since they know your product or service best.

Video Advertising Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive.

Videos provide the most engagement, sharing, and brand development for your money. You don’t have to break the bank to invest in quality video content. There are still many businesses that view video advertising as a TV medium, where a single ad might cost thousands of dollars.

However, with the advent of the internet, video advertising doesn’t require nearly the same amount of investment as it once did. When using video, make sure that your marketing goals are being met. In order to grow your social media following, engage with existing customers, or generate more sales, video content can be a valuable marketing tool.

Types of Video Ads

The fact that video ads come in a variety of variations is one reason marketers are eager to experiment with them. The most familiar are in-stream ads. They are typically displayed before, during, and after videos. For example, YouTube uses in-stream ads. A viewer may be encouraged to click a link or claim an offer in some advertisements.

Alternatively, nonlinear ads are sometimes displayed outside the main video. Whenever someone clicks on one of these ads, their primary content stops. Nonlinear ads don’t link to other content. Continue scrolling if you do not wish to view it.

Among the broad types, you can also choose variations. An example is an advertisement that plays within a game. The rewarded advertisement is a video advertisement aimed at gamers. In exchange for watching a video, they receive a perk related to the game, such as an extra life or health boost. An auto-play native ad could also be included at the end of content, such as a blog post. A person will be most likely to respond to an ad that corresponds with the content they just viewed. An auto-play native ad might introduce someone to a new coffee maker model after they read an article about how to choose one.

Display vs. Video Advertising

Digital display ads are paid advertisements that appear on websites, social media networks, or apps. Early banner ads appeared as rectangular-shaped ads at the top of sites’ main content. Advertisers use display ads to increase brand awareness and purchase intent. All platforms have a click-through rate of just 0.05%. There is also the phenomenon of “banner blindness,” where some people become so fatigued by ads that they fail to notice them. Due to display advertising’s well-known shortcomings, marketers began looking for other options. With that change came the use of video ads, which are excellent for driving awareness, engagement, and conversions. Video is preferred over text by 72% of people when learning about a product or service. Forbes reports that the average internet user spends 88% more time on a web page with video than one without. The use of video on a landing page was found to increase conversion by 86% in one study. 

Native Video Ads

A native advertisement is one that is integrated into the content of the webpage on which it appears, so it does not stand out. 

Native advertisements are those that are embedded within the content of the webpage on which they appear, so they do not draw attention to themselves. In addition to being softer on sales, native ads have a much higher click-through rate than conventional display ads. In the previous section, we discussed the growing popularity of video ads. According to eMarketer, native video ads follow the same pattern. Marketers are forecast to spend 38.7% of their budgets on native video ads in 2020, a slight increase from 38.1% in 2019.

Advantages of Video Ads

Video advertising offers numerous benefits to marketers. Brand awareness rises when people watch video content. Marketers now have the opportunity to display their video ads alongside “edgy” content created by creators on YouTube. There are many other ways that marketers can make compelling video ads that capture the interest of viewers – only their imagination is the limit.

Additionally, video ads can be shared, which increases reach. Streaming platforms include sharing buttons so people can share videos they enjoy. Videos also provide plenty of information in a short amount of time. Because of this, they are ideal for telling stories. In order to connect with your audience, you can experiment with background music, camera angles, and dialogue. They are more likely to remember your brand if they see what you want them to see.

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