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Web Development
Web Design

What is Website Design? The Ultimate Guide To Website Design [2022]

Website design is the process where content is planned, conceptualized, and arranged online. Creating a website today involves more than just aesthetics and includes the overall functionality as well. Creating a website includes mobile apps, websites, and user interfaces. 

Web designers are responsible for the look, layout, and content of websites. A website’s appearance refers to things like its colors, font, and images. The layout describes how the information is arranged and organized. The design of a website should be easy to use, aesthetically pleasing, and suitable for the user group and brand of the website. It is common for web pages to be designed with a focus on simplicity in mind, so that no unnecessary information or functionality may distract or confuse users. An easy-to-use site that wins and fosters the trust of the target audience is the keystone of a web designer’s output, so removing any potential user frustrations is a key consideration.

Website Design Tools

A website can be designed using a desktop application or a website builder. Choosing the right tool depends on the size of your team, your budget, the type of site you intend to build, and its technical requirements.

Desktop Apps 

The designers of desktop apps create their designs and send them to a development team who can then convert them into code. Some popular desktop software is Photoshop and Sketch for designing websites. 

This method is typically used for large and complex websites because it allows the designer to focus on the overall aesthetic while the development team handles all technical challenges. Due to the requirement of multiple resources, personnel, and skills sets, this process can be costly and time-consuming.

For websites with fewer technical requirements, it is beneficial to use a website builder rather than a developer.

Website Builders

In today’s market, there are numerous website builders that offer a variety of features and services. Some of the most popular website builders include Wix, Squarespace, Webflow, and PageCloud. They differ in design capabilities, template options, pricing, and overall editing experience. Make sure you do your research, try out free trials, and determine which platform is best for you. 

Depending on the builder, you can create adaptive or responsive websites. Getting familiar with the options and limitations of different website design tools is crucial if you don’t know how to code. Because of its limited customization options, WordPress is not popular among visual designers even though it is the most popular website platform.  

Determine your website needs before you begin: Are you creating a photo gallery? Are you going to update it regularly? Would you like a contact form? Choose a website builder like DIGITOCRATE that can help you effectively accomplish those goals.

Website Design Elements

A website’s appearance and functionality should be considered when designing it. A site’s usability and performance will be enhanced by integrating these elements. 

The usability of your website includes features such as an easy-to-navigate interface, appropriate graphics and images, well-written and well-placed text, and a suitable color scheme. The performance of your site has to do with its speed, ranking, searchability, and ability to capture your audience. 

Visual elements

The following is an overview of the elements to keep in mind when designing your website to ensure it does what you want it to do. There are tips and tricks in each section to get you started. 

Written copy

Text and appearance go hand in hand with your website. For your design to be cohesive and balanced, you should have your content writers and designers work together. Use text blocks to create chunks of text that complement your graphics and images.

  • Fonts

The font you choose should complement your overall design. To reinforce the overall tone of your website, your font should coordinate with your color scheme, graphics, and images. You can find the perfect font match by using tools like Canva’s Font Combinator. PageCloud, for instance, includes a wide variety of font pairings within their app.

  • Colors

When designing a website, color is one of the most important aspects to consider. Consider that there are many misconceptions about color psychology, so it’s more important to choose colors that complement your website’s overall vibe and design. 

Consider your brand and the messages you wish to convey to your audience as you choose your color scheme.

  • Layout

Your choice of content arrangement will profoundly affect your site’s usability and functionality. Layouts can be chosen in any way you like, however, there are some basic principles to keep in mind. Make sure you consider the needs of your target audience and avoid using an overly stimulating layout that could detract from your message. 

  • Shapes

Graphic elements can contribute to the site’s overall appearance by seamlessly integrating text and images. Your site visitors can be directed to your site’s overall flow by using an appealing combination of colors and shapes.

  • Spacing

To create visually appealing, easy-to-navigate websites, spacing is crucial. It appears in every aspect of your design at some point. Using whitespace appropriately is crucial to creating a design that perfectly balances text, photos, and graphics. You can make your website easier to navigate by keeping your spacing consistent. Website designers are increasingly using whitespace as a design element.

  • Images & Icons

In just a few seconds, stunning designs convey a lot of information. Strong images and icons help achieve this. 

Your message should be strengthened by images and icons that support it. Just search for stock images or icons on Google to find thousands of options.

  • Videos

In recent years, designers have become increasingly interested in integrating videos into their designs. Videos can be used effectively to help users understand a message that can’t be properly conveyed through text or images. If your restaurant has a TV screen, please remember that visitors’ eyes will be drawn to the moving images. Ensure your videos don’t take away from or compete with other elements.

Functional elements

When designing a website, these functional elements must be considered. For your website to rank highly on search engines and provide the best possible experience to your visitors, it must function properly. 

  • Navigation

One of the main factors that determine the performance of your website is its navigation. Navigation can serve multiple purposes: introducing your site to first-time visitors, making it easy for returning visitors to access your pages and enhancing the overall experience for all visitors. Here are some navigation best practices. 

  • User Interactions


Depending on their device, users can interact with your site in many ways (scrolling, clicking, typing, etc.). Great website design makes it easy for users to feel like they are in control. For example: 

  • Auto-playing audio or video is not a good idea
  • Underline only clickable text
  • Ensure that all forms are mobile-friendly
  • Avoid pop-ups 
  • Avoid scroll-jacking
  • Animations

There are plenty of web animation techniques that can help you grab your visitors’ attention as well as allow them to interact with your website by giving feedback. Visitors to your site can be kept engaged by adding “like” buttons or forms. To avoid developer intervention, keep your animations simple if you’re new to website design.

  • Speed

A slow website is not good for business. An inordinate amount of time spent waiting for a page to load can quickly discourage visitors from staying or returning to your site. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your website is, if it doesn’t load fast, it won’t rank well in Google (i.e. will not be seen in search results). 

There is no guarantee that top site builders will compress your content for faster loading times. When choosing a site builder, research which works best for the type of content that you will have on your website. PageCloud, for instance, optimizes your images to ensure faster loading times for sites with large and/or multiple images.

  • Site structure

The structure of a website affects both user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO). You should ensure that your users can easily navigate through your website without encountering structural problems. If users are having difficulty navigating your site, chances are crawlers are too. 

An automated program that searches your website and determines its functionality is called a crawler (or bot). Poor navigation negatively impacts user experience and rankings.

  • Cross-browser & cross-device compatibility

Ideally, a great design should look good across all devices and browsers (yes, even Internet Explorer). You can make the tedious process of cross-browser testing easier with a cross-browser testing tool when you’re building your site from scratch. However, if you are using a website building platform, cross-browser testing is typically handled by the company’s development team, so you can concentrate on design.

Types of Website Design:

Adaptive and responsive are the only two website styles that are appropriate for today’s mobile-centric world.

Adaptive Website Designs

With adaptive website design, a website has two or more versions, each of which is tailored to a specific screen size. There are two main types of adaptive websites depending on how the site detects the size it needs to display:

Adapts based on device type 

Your browser will include a field called “user-agent” in the HTTP request so the server knows what kind of device you are using. Based on what device is attempting to reach the site (desktop, mobile, tablet), the adaptive website will display the appropriate version of the site. You will experience issues if you shrink the browser window on a desktop because the page will continue to display the “desktop version” rather than shrink to the new size.

Adapts based on browser width 

The website does not switch between versions using the user agent, but rather uses media queries (a CSS-based feature that enables a webpage to adapt to various screen sizes) and breakpoints. In other words, instead of having desktop, tablet, and mobile versions, you will have 1080px, 768px, and 480px width versions. Your website will adapt to the screen width, offering more flexibility when designing and a better viewing experience.

Responsive Website Designs

Websites using responsive grids can use layouts based on percentages of elements in their containers: if one element (example: a header) takes up 25% of its container, that element stays at 25% regardless of how the screen size changes. The responsive website can also use breakpoints to create a custom look for every screen size; however, unlike adaptive websites that only change when they reach a breakpoint, responsive websites are always changing according to the screen size.


Designing an e-commerce website is an important part of website development. To create the best online shopping experience for your customers, you need an online store that is easy to navigate, informative, and accurately displays your products.

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